Welcome to Kanyakine Alumni Association

Alumni Chairman - Welcome Message

As the proud Chairman of the Kanyakine Boys High School Alumni Association, it is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome to all our distinguished alumni. Our alma mater has been the crucible where countless young minds were molded, friendships were forged, and dreams were kindled. Now, as we stand united under the banner of our Alumni Association, we embark on a journey to strengthen the bonds that tie us to our shared past.

This platform serves as a virtual bridge, connecting us across the miles and years. Here, we can reminisce about the cherished memories, celebrate each other's achievements, and contribute to the legacy of Kanyakine Boys High School. Whether you graduated recently or many years ago, your experiences are an integral part of the rich tapestry of our school's history.

Our association is not just a network; it's a family. We encourage you to actively participate, share your stories, and engage in the various initiatives and events we have planned. Your involvement will not only enrich our collective narrative but also inspire the current generation of students following in our footsteps.

Stay connected, stay involved, and let us together continue the legacy of excellence that defines Kanyakine Boys High School. I look forward to meeting and reconnecting with each one of you.

Best :)

David Ruchui

Upcoming Events

Why Join Us

We priotize our members needs first. We believe in Building ourself before building others.

Offering last expense insurance to members of a Kanyakine alumni association is a thoughtful and practical way to support the community. It not only provides financial security for individual members but also reinforces the sense of togetherness and support that alumni associations often strive to foster. It can be a meaningful benefit that enhances the overall alumni experience and legacy of the organization.

Alumni reunions and networking opportunities extend far beyond mere social gatherings. They provide a platform for personal and professional development, foster a sense of community, and offer valuable connections that can positively impact the lives and careers of alumni. Being part of an alumni association can be an enduring source of support and growth throughout one's life.

Our Quality Statement

What drives us

At Kanyakine High School Alumni, our unwavering commitment to excellence is driven by the profound belief that our collective strength lies in unity and shared purpose. Rooted in a shared history and a deep-seated sense of pride in our alma mater, we strive to create a community that thrives on networking through reunions, community engagement, and preservation of our legacy through unity and support.