Diaspora Committee.

A Diaspora Committee within an alumni association or alumni group plays a unique and important role in connecting with alumni who live outside the country where their alma mater is located. The primary focus of the Diaspora Committee is to engage and support alumni who are part of the international alumni community. The leadership is responsible for maintaining communication channels, such as newsletters, emails, social media groups, and online platforms, to keep overseas alumni informed about the latest news, events, and opportunities related to the alumni association and their alma mater.

The Diaspora Committee is instrumental in extending the reach of the alumni association and maintaining strong connections with alumni living outside the country. It allows international alumni to remain connected to their alma mater, support their fellow alumni, and contribute to the broader goals and mission of the alumni organization.

Eng. Dennis Kimathi Mutua

Chair - Diaspora Committee


Our Hardworking Team





Our Role

Check our Progress so far

Global Outreach and Engagement 90%
Communication and Networking 90%
Alumni Support 75%
Advocacy and Representation 80%
Alumni Engagement and Philanthropy 90%
Reunions and Visits 55%